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Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood!

Okay, I know a few months ago I said I'd be around more and I lied. This time I mean it lol!

I wanted to take a second and discuss Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.

First, let me start off by saying this is BY FAR better than the original. If you've bothered watching that, then you have to watch Brotherhood. I'm on episode 46 and I'm plowing through these lol. I've stayed up the past 3 nights until 8am and sleeping for a few hours and then watching all day and all night again. My favorite characters are Alphonse, Olivier, Mustang and Hawkeye! Not that I don't love all of them cuz I totally do :D

My favorite episode has to be the one where Roy just fucks shit up. Here's a snapshot. 

I almost peed myself. I spent that entire episode with my hands in my hair screaming "Oh God Oh God!" every two minutes!

And him and Haweye? OTP OTP OTP my god OTP!

 I just get so excited whenever I see them on screen together -squeals-

My favorite Humunculus right now is a tie between Pride and Lust :D

If you haven't seen this then you must! gogogogogo!!!

Tell me your favorite parts of the series and your favorite characters!!!

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