Disclaimer: All photos and videos strictly copyrighted by their creators. I take no credit for anything :p



My movie critic friends say this anime stinks...but I kinda like it. It may be the strangest anime I've ever seen though lol!

First, I love that it's an all female cast. That's just something I'm really fond of. It's a little hard to remember who's who at first but you eventually pick it up. 
Now something that's strange is that everyone in this world is born female. You go through a ceremony at age 17 and pick your gender...what? That was a little hard to get used to but it doesn't phase me now lol. So all these girl pilots are forgoing the transformation so they can keep flying. You have to be a young female who hasn't accepted the change in order to be a pilot.

The show is set in a time of war, and these girls are known as Sibyllae. Don't ask me for the pronunciation because sometimes I'm still not sure myself! Anyways, they drive the flying machines called Simouns. Super cool, steam punk looking airplanes. You have to be in a pair in order to pilot these massive planes. Also, they have a super awesome steam punk train too!! Here, look:

Cool looking right?!

And here's a front view of the Simoun. Don't ask me how they fly, they just do lol. What's rather odd however is how they turn on the ignition....

They have to kiss each other!

Now I'm always down for a little girl on girl....but this seems a bit shallow haha! I was thinking to myself there has to be another way they could have done this. They just wanted to draw their girls kissing all the time lol. So each pair of Sibyllae kiss on the mouth and then kiss the starter. So they're kissing like every three minutes and it's like no one cares but the viewers. You get used to it and it becomes less and less noticeable as the story progresses.

These two are my favorite pairing for now. Though I'm only on disc two of the series so that could change!

So all in all, I'm gonna be finishing the series to the end. Mostly because I bought it but also because even though there are many characters, they all get developed nicely and it's just a good story line. Apart from it's seemingly shallow outside, it looks promising and I'm excited to finish it!

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